Mrs. Springfield USOA 2021. Be the change, be a volunteer has been a lifelong passion of mine . Having been born an orphan back in the 60’s, I went through foster care as well as the adoption process here in the United States. Though I felt as an outsider looking in most of my life since I was placed with a family who had biologically born children in the family, I nevertheless, feel blessed that I had a roof over my head and food to eat. Having a family of my own is of high importance to me. Being able to overcome the diagnosis of infertility due to cancer cells within my reproductive organs, my husband Bruce and I were ecstatic to welcome the birth of our daughter in 2006. Feeling as if my life is bountiful I give back to others by serving as a volunteer for numerous organizations and helping orphans in need. We have personally provided and delivered care packages and supplies to orphans in Mexico and Africa. I feel that providing personal attention in the form of a party for the orphans is integral to providing hope for children to see that others do care. I am thrilled to be married to the man of my dreams, a mother to my miracle child and the referee to our two black labs.

Denver Heart Walk

What do you do at 5 am on a Saturday in June?  Get up and get ready for the Denver Heart Walk!  The event was an enormous success raising 2 million dollars for the Heart Association.  I invited Gretta Herzog, Miss Teen Colorado International and Cindy Harwood, Mrs Rocky Mountain International to join me on my volunteer team for the annual event.  Both ladies enthusiastically said "YES!"  We had a wonderful time meeting new people and handing out waters to the thousands of participants.  Afterward, we were invited to the VIP tent for photos and autograph signing. I met others who had overcome heart disease, just like my husband.  Luckily, after finding a 90% blockage in his arteries, the surgeons placed three stents in those arteries and saved his life! The Heart Association played an integral part in helping us get through it all. Thank you Denver Heart Association for putting on such a successful walk, for helping my husband and for including the International Pageant System this past weekend.

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